成人教育课程是非学分的,并且免费提供给符合条件的学习者. 学生获得基本的学术技能,帮助他们过渡到就业, training and postsecondary education. Black Hawk College holds classes at learning centers throughout the district.
Requirements vary by program. 选择一个程序的详细信息,并联系成人教育了解更多信息.
Program Name
Adult Education English as a Second Language (ESL)
Volunteer Literacy
Optional Education & Youth GED®
Support Services
Bus tickets are available to students who receive public assistance, are unemployed or underemployed (determined by income). To request bus tickets, please ask at the class site location.
Child care
社区儿童保育资源和转介中心可以协助找到日间或夜校的儿童保育服务. Call 563-324-1302.
Services for students with disabilities
If you will need accommodations due to a disability (e.g. sign language interpreter, special seating) to participate in any BHC activity or program, 请致电BHC四城校园残疾服务办公室309-796-5900或309-716-3310(视频电话)或联系成人教育工作人员309-796-8216. A one-week advance notice of accommodation needs is recommended. For more information visit Disability Services.
Parenting preparation
怀孕和育儿的学生可以获得个人咨询会议以及家庭生活, nutrition, and child care and development classes.
Community linkages
With the student’s permission, 选修教育将与社会服务机构协调服务和目标, psychologists, psychiatrists, court services and drug/alcohol programs.
Counseling – Optional Education
Adult Education
在你报名参加ESL课程之前,你将参加语言分班考试. Your level is determined by your score on the test. For more information about ESL classes, please call 309-796-5183.
- Anyone who is 18 years of age or older, maintained residence in the State of Illinois for at least 30 days, and are not high school graduates, but whose high school class has graduated.
- A member of the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty, who is 17 years of age or older, and who is stationed in Illinois or is a legal resident of Illinois
- A ward of the Department of Corrections who is 17 years of age or older, 或被关押在伊利诺斯州监狱的任何分支机构或县惩教机构的囚犯.
- 17岁或以上的女性/男性,由于怀孕或一个或多个孩子的母亲/父亲而无法上学
- 十七岁或十七岁以上,中途辍学至少一年的人
- 根据第2-3条成功竞争替代教育项目的人.81 or Article 13A of The School Code of Illinois
- 参加由伊利诺斯州国民警卫队赞助的青年教育计划的人(林肯的挑战)
Each of the four GED tests are $30. When a student is ready to take a GED test they must go to GED.登录他们的个人GED账户,注册考试日期和时间,并支付30美元的费用. 成人教育工作人员可以帮助学生创建个人GED帐户并注册考试. Although registration occurs through GED.com, all testing is done at either The Black Hawk College Testing Center, or The Rock Island County Regional Office of Education.
考试在bbin信誉网站考试中心和岩岛县地区教育办公室提供. 如果学生选择在洛克岛县教育区域办公室进行测试,他们必须直接与办公室联系,以设置首选的测试日期和时间. 如果学生选择在bbin信誉网站考试中心参加考试,则无需预约. Students are welcome to walk in during normal business hours to test. 唯一的要求是学生必须在下班前一小时到达,以确保有充足的测试时间.
There is no fee to take the Constitution module. This module can be completed once students have taken their first GED exam.
Black Hawk College Testing Center
6600 34th Avenue
Moline, Illinois 61265
Rock Island County Regional Office of Education
3430 Avenue of the Cities
Moline, Illinois 61265
Phone: 309-736-1111
Students must obtain a score of 145 or higher on all four of the GED tests. 成绩在165分以上(任何科目)的学生被认为已经准备好上大学了.
The Constitution score is not included in the overall total. 高中成绩单表明通过宪法考试的学生将被免除考试. Transcripts must be sent to the appropriate Testing Center.
学生在一个日历年内最多可以重新参加三次GED考试. There is a fee of $10 for each GED retake test.
There is no fee or limit of retake tests associated with the Constitution test.
教室住宿的要求将提交给bbin信誉网站残疾服务办公室. Requests for GED test accommodations are to be sent to GED Testing Services. 宪法考试住宿要求将被发送到适当的考试地点(bbin信誉网站考试中心或岩岛地区教育办公室).
Offered accommodations include: extended time, large print text, audio tape versions, readers, and scribes.
Black Hawk College offers classes at no cost, at the following locations:
- 外展中心,301大道的城市,东莫林,伊利诺伊州或致电309-796-8216
- 成人学习中心,4610bbin信誉网站公共驱动器,岩岛,伊利诺伊州或致电309-794-1072
- Community Education Center, 202 E. Third St., Kewanee, IL or call 309-854-1875
For more information about prep classes please call 309-796-8216.
Area bookstore and libraries have preparatory materials available.
Online GED® Practice Tests are available as well at gedpractice.com.
合作学校要求学生每班上一定的课时 .5 credit. 在上课期间,学生必须以及格水平完成指定的作业. Each class completed is worth one-half credit. Credit cannot be earned unless both attendance and work requirements are met.
Students have the potential to earn credit more quickly in their home schools. 在家庭学校完成完整课程的学生每年有可能获得7个学分. Optional Education has a shorter day (4 or 5 hours), so students can only expect to complete 4 to 5 credits during an academic year. Some students earn less due to poor attendance or productivity.
GED®学生准备证明他们在五个领域具有与普通高中毕业生相同的技能:文学和艺术, Writing Skills, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. 学生在入学时接受测试,以帮助确定需要注意的领域. 然后,教师与学生一起设计满足个人需求的课程.
GED® graduates are eligible to enroll in college classes. 而具有高GED和大学入学分数的GED毕业生可以直接进入四年制大学, many begin college at a community college like Black Hawk College. 即将进入大学的GED®学生应该努力获得高于最低通过分数的分数. 学生还应该考虑参加键盘和计算机入门课程. Typing and computer skills will make the transition to college much easier.
For Optional Education-/Youth GED contact Laura Bragg braggl@tamascandle.net – 309-796-8252.
For Adult GED contact Jennifer Sweborg sweborgj@tamascandle.net – 309-796-5562.