Begin your 艺术 or 音乐 Major or Career at BHC
The 艺术,设计和表演艺术 department at the 这些城市的校园 offers programs for students to prepare for a career or major in art or music. The department also offers electives, clubs and performance groups.
学习艺术和设计技巧, while developing a professional portfolio will prepare you for a major or career in dozens of fields, 包括平面设计, 数字媒体, 插图, 摄影和美术实践.
If you plan to transfer into an art or design major to complete a bachelor’s degree, 使用以下示例转移计划:
艺术 (including Graphic 设计/Visual 沟通) (PDF)
如果你想转校的话, your advisor will customize a transfer plan for that college or university. BHC也有很多 转让指南和协议 already established with four-year institutions in a variety of majors.
你可以进入iMac实验室, 艺术工作室, 摄影 studios and professional equipment to get hands-on experience with industry standard facilities.
- 艺术Collective: Student run art club that hosts 事件 such as artist workshops and field trips.
- 旅行 芝加哥的博物馆和艺术画廊.
- 四画廊: 每月的展品 由当地,地区和国家艺术家. At the end of the academic year, 艺术Space is reserved for our Student 艺术 Show. BHC students submit artworks that are judged by a local professional artist.
艺术Fusion is produced every other year by and for the students of bbin信誉网站. 论文, 数字绘画, 摄影, painting and other student works are featured in this student-designed and professionally-published magazine.
艺术Fusion 2024杂志(PDF)
艺术Fusion 2022杂志(PDF)
Follow BHC 艺术与设计 on social media to see what students are doing and stay connected with community 事件:
Our full music program includes theory, aural skills, music history, applied lessons and ensembles. 学生 at BHC are able to participate in three choirs, 管乐团, 爵士乐团, 吉他合奏和弦乐团.
新生必须 申请入学 to bbin信誉网站 before enrolling in classes, 为合奏团试镜, 或者进入学位课程.
学生 enrolling in applied music courses for the first time at bbin信誉网站 are encouraged to audition on their major instrument to ensure placement in the appropriate level of applied music and to be eligible for music achievement awards.
试镜 are scheduled on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. Audition requirements will be sent at the time of scheduling.
Make music with like-minded musicians in a BHC ensemble. Special scholarships are available for students who participate in ensembles, and you’ll also receive elective credit for participating.
要开始,请填写 团体参与表格
- 管乐团 – Large, non-auditioned instrumental ensemble open to BHC students and community members.
- 吉他合奏 – A non-auditioned group comprised of beginner, intermediate and advanced classical and acoustic guitarists.
- 爵士乐团 – Small instrumental ensemble performing traditional and contemporary jazz with an emphasis on improvisational techniques.
- 管弦乐 – Large, non-auditioned orchestral ensemble open to BHC students and community members.
- 室的歌手 – Auditioned a cappella ensemble of eight to sixteen singers who perform challenging literature in a variety of styles.
- 音乐会合唱 – Non-auditioned mixed chorus of 15-30 members who perform concerts throughout the year.
- 社区合唱团 – A non-auditioned group choir comprised of singing enthusiasts of all ages. 退休的人, 劳动人民, along with traditional-aged college students and some high school students help to create a truly multi-generational ensemble.
If you plan to transfer into a music major to complete a bachelor’s degree, 请参考以下示例转移计划:
如果你想转校的话, your advisor will customize a transfer plan for that college or university. BHC也有很多 转让指南和协议 already established with four-year institutions in a variety of majors.
Browse through a comprehensive list of music organizations to learn more about what a path in music performance, 音乐行业, music therapy and music education might look like for you.
Learn more about the ways you can pursue your education in music and turn your passion into a career you love.
SNAAP, 由印第安纳大学管理, provides annual information about current occupations of art alumni, 艺术家居住的地方, education satisfaction and how many art alumni have gone on to earn graduate degrees.
Follow BHC 音乐 on social media to see what students are doing and stay connected with community 事件:
Achievement 奖s can reduce cost of attendance by earning up to 12 credit waivers each semester.
- 音乐成就奖申请 (在线)
- 艺术成就奖申请表格(PDF)
- Jeanne Tamisiea Memorial Scholarship (for art students)
- William Butterworth Foundation Scholarship (for art students)
- BHC校长奖学金
奖学金 are also available at many transfer institutions.